Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gate Card Reader Damaged

This is the Gate Card Reader
by the way it has been damaged.  Looks to me
that someone tried to break in.  Thanks Bobby Wood
for fixing it, otherwise I would have had to
replace the gate card reader and cards.

In Need of New Rec Hall Banquet Chairs

These are just a sample of many of the banquet chairs in the
Rec Hall that are need of being replaced. 

 Pressure Washing the Concrete Patio behind clubhouse where
the Grill is.  After cleaning it  will be painted.
 Painting the concrete paid.

Pool Cleaning

The Pool Area and its surroundings has been cleaned
                                        with the pressure washer

                                   Looks like the pool area needs a new concrete table!!!
                                   I will bring it to the attention of the Board Members next Board

Friday, June 8, 2012

Road Work Pictures

Road Work Started Wed June 6, 2012
Milling old Asphalt

Removed concrete & curb at the intersection of
Shenandoah & Sacramento will
be made wider

Will be reworked to where the water won't stand

Road Picture

More pictures of the potholes
that are being worked on.

Road Work

 This is the intersection that will
be worked on.  Starts right in front of
97 Sacramento and ends where
Sacramento meets Mississippi

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cave In

 The Cave In Behind the Clubhouse
 continues to wash away.

Gameroom Sliding Door

One of the Sliding Doors in the game room
was shattered into pieces.  Had to be replaced.

Office A/C replaced

 The A/C unit in the Clubhouse office and lobby was 12 years old and quit
working.  We had a new 5 ton commercial RUUD A/C unit installed.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Two visitors!

 We had a coral snake visit us in the Rec Hall!  (Poisonous)
This horse was in the golf course!!

Pool Lounges

Activity Fund purchased 6 Pool Lounges as requested.

Items purchased by Activity Fund

The Activity Fund purchased an upright Commercial Refrigerator.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cleaning Time

The Hot Spot was emptied two days for cleaning.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Lights

3/7/12 - This morning we are getting new signal lights at the entrance of
the Resort. We were having a problem turning right when going to Brownsville, the Veterans Memorial High School were assuming they had the right-of-way and automatically when the light turned green they would turn left. Both the Resort and the High School will get lights with green arrows.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Changes to the Fire Lane in front of Clubhouse

The yellow striping will be painted red. There is already 4 "NO PARKING SIGNS IN PLACE"

Due to the recent Emergency Occurence on Tuesday - 2/21/2012

When a beating heart stops - time is of the essence to regain that beat. Timely access by emergency responders to the patient is vital. It is important that everyone contributes with their cooperation and some inconveniences to provide the best facility conditions we can to save a life. Making do with the facility we have, will requre some proactive changes to how we attend functions at the main hall activities. With that said, please pay attention to forth coming strict enforcement to "VEHICLE" parking restrictions with access to the main Clubhouse entrances.