Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Non-Potable Drinking Water Signs

POA workers will be going around and placing this aluminum signs on all
red faucets (Requirement from VMUD#2) Please DO NOT REMOVE
It's for your own safety it reads:   DANGER- Non-Potable water DO NOT DRINK
and it's also in Spanish in case we have visitors.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Concrete Removal

Concrete Debris that has been sitting out by the highway is in the process of being
being moved to designated area.

POA is paying for this project.  Last Year River Bend
paid for removal of concrete.  POA would rather pay for
this and not for rebuilding a new pool if land continues to
wash away we will loose the pool. 
Door to the facilities downstairs and laundry room have been painted.

Grill Repair

 Grill was sent to get major repairs needed.

The top grill was made of stainless steel.