Thursday, May 28, 2015

Road Work

Rio Grande River

Lake Francis and Other areas of Park

Laundry and Facilities Doors

                                          The Laundromat Door and Facilities Downstairs
                                          Metal Doors were painted.

Fencing for Dog Park

                                          Fencing for the Dog Park has been completed.

Leak Repair and Weed Eating

                                           Mark Barnard fixing a leak.
                                          Peggy Lou and Sylvia helping out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hole # 16

                               Pictures of Hole #16 how it looks now.  Will post pictures
                               as progress is being made. 

End of Sacramento

                                        Post was straightened with the backhoe and
                                        additional concrete was poured .

                               After the incident in which Drug Runners exited the park
                               under the cable at the end of Sacramento, we have
                               reinforced it with additional steel posts and tightened
                               the cable.